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Friday, November 28, 2014


How is it possible that I've already been here for 100 days? Time has absolutely flown by and I'm loving every moment of it. It's so crazy and saddening to think that this upcoming weekend marks the beginning of the end. But the time so far has been absolutely great and I expect what's left to be just as fantastic! And they truly have been 100 happy days. There isn't time for sadness and homesickness when you're exploring a new country and making new friends! I could write about some of the happiest moments here, but how do you pick just a few when everyday is so wonderful?

The Loyola student that I've gotten closest to, Cate Walters. Everyday puts those kinds of smiles on our faces!

Some mornings I wake up much earlier than I need to, and today was one of those days. Instead of going back to sleep, though, I Skyped with my family who was celebrating Thanksgiving. Kind of weird to see all their faces through a computer screen, but nice to talk to them for a few minutes.

Cate and I headed to class, each grabbing breakfast and eating in front of the dorm before we left. I got my typical banh mi op la while Cate got her typical bun thit nuong. We just missed the bus, as in we were crossing the street when it started to pull away, so we had to wait for the next one to come. Class was class, nothing new and not too exciting. Afterwards, I came back to the dormitory with the intention of getting some work done.

My intentions did not work out very well, though. While I was able to make a study guide for Vietnamese, that was about it. I spent a lot of time doing absolutely nothing and acting like a total bum. I went over my theology paper again as well as my environmental science project but decided that I really don't want to change anything. I then felt exhausted, so I decided to take a nap. I'm pretty sure that my tiredness lately comes from being bored and not physically tired. I will have to stay out of the dorm more for the next week!

When I woke up, I wrote about a page and a half for my sociology paper (just 6.5 more pages to go!) and talked to Cate when she came back from class. I grabbed some corn for dinner, and was somewhat disappointed to find that the woman was still not there but instead was the man. I shouldn't complain too much though, as the corn he makes is a little sweeter.

It's kind of weird being in the dormitory on a Friday, and it's made even weirder by the fact that people's families are starting to come so they are spending time with them. It actually seems a little lonely, or maybe that's because I did not come out of my room at all this afternoon. I also forgot that they show movies in the dormitory on Fridays, so it's kind of nice to be listening to a movie while I write this.

Now if only I had another 100 days to spend here!

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